By that time, I had already developed a deep and abiding interest in core software technology and programmer productivity, and in understanding the day-to-day life of the developer. 到那时,我已经在核心软件技术和程序员生产力方面及了解开发人员日常的生活方面具有了深入持久的兴趣。
It is dynamic with a focus on programmer productivity. 其动态关注程序员工作效率。
Regardless of the root cause, these very human tendencies can impact programmer productivity, and jeopardize a project's success. 无论是什么原因导致的,很多人为的倾向将会影响开发人员的生产力,并影响项目的成功。
This article provides an overview of pureQuery and includes a step-by-step scenario showing how pureQuery can significantly increase programmer productivity. 本文对pureQuery进行了概述,并提供一个详细的场景,以展示pureQuery如何显著提高程序员的生产率。
Making it easier to cycle through the edit, compile, and test cycle helps foster programmer productivity. 通过简化编辑、编译和测试过程,帮助程序员提高生产力。
Static languages still dominate the overwhelming majority of language use ( source: Tiobe) and such languages depend on code generation techniques for programmer productivity. 静态语言仍将占据着统治地位(来源:Tiobe),同时这些语言还是需要借助于代码生成技术来提升程序员的生产力。
It's rather hard to measure programmer productivity; 要量测程式员的生产力并不难;
This sort of boilerplate reduces programmer productivity and introduces opportunities for mistakes. 此类问题只会降低开发人员的工作效率,增加犯错误的几率。
Many are characterized as "scripting" languages that promote programmer productivity over machine efficiency; others are ports of popular mainstream languages. 许多语言具有“脚本”语言的特点,通过牺牲一些计算机效率,更多地提升了程序员的生产率,另一些属于流行的主流语言。
High programmer productivity since the business logic is implemented independently of the parallelization code 程序员的高产出,因为用并行的代码独立实现了业务逻辑